Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Displays and a Great Greeter at Our Counter

Well we're back from BEA... no real news to share like when we came back from the regional conference. The meetings with other booksellers did spur us to think more about expanding our new books, and we have a huge box of catalogues to go through. Our biggest shift is going to be adding more and more new children's books, and revamping the kids' playroom. We're also going to dedicate more time to learning and promoting GOOD books for the tween set. One thing in the works will be a 2 day "Kid-Lit Festival" with local and national authors of picture books, tween lit, and teen books discussing their writing and books with fans and aspiring writers. It's still in the beginning stages of planning, but rest assured you'll be getting lots of details as the dates approach (looking at mid-November). In the meantim, I spent the past 2 days fixing up some of our summer displays. Here are some pics. (and that last picture is our new greeter.... Todd won his services at the BlackDog and Leventhal booth at BookExpo)

Our New Book Picks as featured in Some Used Books Summer Picks
Fine Living Lancaster

Aaron's Books' Book Group Reads Our Picks for Other Book Groups
for June & July

The sign says it all for this next new display!

And our new helper- almost as cute as Aaron, and better behaved at the store!

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